
Forgiving Your Parents

5 Days Islamic Psychology Online Course

Are you ready to let go?

  • Secret #1: How to Transform Your Attitude Towards Your Parents for the Sake of Pleasing Your Creator: A Guide to Feeling Authentic and Assertive While Relying on Internal Validation as Your Strength

  • Secret #2: How To Heal Childhood Trauma and Resentment Towards Parents and Mature into a Thriving Adult in Your Relationships. Discover the Path of Rising Above – Transforming Confusion into Confidence for Achieving Your Dream Family Life

  • Secret #3: How to Become Patient and Not Take Things Personally with Your Parents: Spiritual Self-Mastery in Birr Walideyn Offering You Innovative Approaches to Leading Assured, Akhirah-Centered Relationships with Your Parents and Others.

Does this sound like you?

Never good enough?

Do you often find yourself grappling with deep-seated feelings of guilt or shame, possibly stemming from the high expectations or critical approaches of your parents? Despite diligently performing all fard (obligatory) acts of Ibadah and fulfilling your duties towards your parents, do you constantly battle with feelings of inadequacy? Does this persistent sense of not being good enough, regardless of your achievements or efforts, negatively affect your Iman (faith), leaving you questioning your spiritual worthiness?

Feelings like you are a wreck?

Are you struggling with the impact of childhood trauma on your mental health, manifesting as anxiety, depression, or a pervasive sense of never being good enough? Does it feel like your mental and spiritual health has been significantly affected by these early experiences, continuing to have long-term effects on all your relationships, particularly influencing your attachment styles? Do you question how these deep-seated issues might be hindering your ability to form healthy, fulfilling relationships with Allah swt without feeling like a victim?"

Looking for a way out?

Do you feel trapped in a cycle of manipulation or exploitation by your parents? Is it true that your parents use religious beliefs to control or blackmail you, leaving you worried about spiritual consequences if you don't comply with their demands? Does this situation make you feel like running away from them and never looking back, yet at the same time, you find yourself feeling guilty or sinful just for having such thoughts?

Summaya was having the same problems until now...

"Ayishah Your ability to SEE is astounding. The way you help people see themselves. It's really special.I already know I won't find what you offer anywhere . In the end noting will match up. I just know. Your course has been so beneficial and life changing for me. As life moves and changes I am so grateful to God and you:) "

• Soummaya Ayoub| BIRMINGHAM

Meet Ayishah

Msc Psychology, Lic Homeopathy, Dip Counselling and Psychotherapy, Cert Naturopathy

Ayishah decided to work with Muslim based on her own passion for Islamic Healing knowledge and deep empathy (Rahma) to all souls searching for Tawheedic connections with their own understanding of pain (Ibtila) and sings (Ayats) in their life.

As a revert woman into Islam she shares familiar experiences with the rest of ummah and strongly values her diversity, religious and spiritual identity as well as holistic approach in family and professional life.

If you're tired of dealing with these problems...

Hurry offer is only running for limited time

Sing in for free therapeutic experience of untangling your self from the vicious cycle of unproductive life style
