FREE Training For Self-Developing Muslims

How To Heal Yourself from Past Trauma, Anxiety or Depression & Discover Your Soul's TRUE Purpose - and live life of Fulfilment and Barakah

While Remaining True to Your Islamic Values

How to save your valuable time and money as you evolve into a complete and integrated Muslim

(Even if you don’t have Islamic or Psychology background and knowledge)

Islamic Selfhood Secrets

Islamic Selfhood Secrets

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  1. Decoding the Selfhood : We provide you with a proven template, a blueprint for decoding the mysteries of your Selfhood. This
template empowers you to create a unique and intertwined network of spiritually inclined elements, shielding yourself from negligence and self-sabotages.

2. Managing Your Selfhood: Discover how to
effectively manage each component of your Selfhood. By doing so, you'll craft a version of yourself that is balanced, robust, and most pleasing to your Lord. Learn the ways to grow within yourself, offering the best chance to reach your highest potential and find healing from past wounds.

3. The Composition of Selfhood: Dive into the
research-proven and traditionally approved composition of your Selfhood, including the Aql (intellect), Qalb (heart), Nafs (soul), Fitrah (natural disposition), Ruh (spirit), and Jism (body). Understand how these elements
interact with the world of the unseen (Gheyb) and the free will aspects of your psyche.

4. Forgiveness and Acceptance: Explore how this knowledge of Selfhood can help you forgive others, feel mercy towards them,
protect yourself from metaphysical influences, and embrace the personal Qadr (divine destiny) determined by Allah SWT.

Is that you?

Do you ever find yourself on a path of self-discovery, searching for deeper meaning, spiritual growth, and the keys to aligning your

life with your Islamic identity? If you do, you're not alone. Many of us seek to understand the intricate workings of our inner selves, driven by a desire to become the best versions of ourselves for the pleasure of our Lord. What they never received though is THIS opportunity - a shortcut to complete self knowing and tools of applying it into Ibadah. But you did right NOW!

Inner Selfhood Exploration (£399 Value)

This section provides a comprehensive exploration, equipping you with profound insights and practical methods to distinguish between your inner thoughts , emotions and spiritual experiences. Explore a proven template to decode the mysteries of the Selfhood, creating a spiritually inclined network that safeguards you from negligence and self-sabotage. Learn to manage each component, creating a balanced, robust Self that empowers you to achieve your highest potential, heal past wounds, and face your flaws with honesty and courage.

Aql (عقل‎) : Explore the concept of intellect and rationality in Islamic psychology

Qalb (قلب‎) : Delve into the heart, its significance, and its role in the human psyche

Nafs (نَفْس) : Understand the various dimensions of the self, particularly the ego

Fitrah (فطرة‎) : Explore the innate disposition and natural inclinations of the human being

Ruh (روح‎) : Dive into the spiritual essence of the self, the soul

Jism (جسم) : Understand the physical and bodily aspects of selfhood, especially in relationto one's personality

Outer Selfhood Exploration (£399 Value)

Explore the outer aspects of your Selfhood, including Qadr (divine destiny), Angels (Mala'ika), Jinn, and the influence of Satan (Shaytan) on your life. This chapter will offer to you in-depth understanding and tools on how to differentiate inner thoughts from
waswas, works of shaytan on our psychological processes, influence of Angels in our day to day as well as tips on how to accept Qadr of Allah swt.

Qadr (قدر‎) : Explore the concept of divine
destiny and how it shapes your life's course

Angels (ملاًئِكة) : Gain a deeper understanding of the role of Angels in your daily experiences and spiritual journey

Jinn (جن) : Delve into the world of Jinn and their impact on human existence and choices

Satan (شَيْطان) : Understand the influence of Satan on your thoughts, actions, and psychological processes

Multiple Intelligences Exploration (£399 Value)

Gain insights into the versatility of intelligences that define your capabilities and interactions with the world. By recognizing the diverse ways in which intelligence manifests, you can tailor your approaches to learning, relationships, and personal development, ultimately unlocking your full potential.

Cognitive Intelligence – Aql’ani: Discover the cognitive aspect of intelligence and its importance

Behavioural Intelligence – Nafs'ani : Explore the behavioural dimension of intelligence

Spiritual Intelligence – Fitrah’ni : Delve into the spiritual facet of intelligence and its significance

Emotional Intelligence – Qalb’ani : Understand the role of emotions in intelligence and personal development

Somatic Intelligence – Ruh’ani : Explore the intelligence related to the somatic or physical aspects of the self

Act Now and Achieve those incredible Outcomes

Alignment with Islam (Bonus OUTCOMES)

Discover how this profound knowledge aligns with Islamic teachings and principles. Bridge the gap between your inner self, your spiritual journey, and your faith. Develop a deep understanding of your inner world and the multiply intelligences that drive
your actions, namely cognitive, behavioural, emotional, somatic, spiritual allowing to elevate your emotions to Hamd, Rahma, acceptance and Tawakkul.

Self-awareness: In an Islamic context, self-awareness helps individuals understand their spiritual journey and their relationship with Allah. It will allow you them to recognize your strengths and areas for spiritual improvement.

Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and resentment can reduce emotional burden, forgiving others and oneself can reduce stress and anxiety, contributing to a more peaceful and balanced life.

Acceptance of Qadr: Acceptance of own faith is a fundamental, it will help you to find contentment in their circumstances, trust in
God's plan, and live in accordance with your own mistakes and shortcomings.

Natural Progressions (Bonus OUTCOMES)

A Treasure Trove of Knowledge:

Access comprehensive learning that is grounded in psychology and enriched by Islamic wisdom. Each component is thoroughly explored, backed by Quranic evidence, and offers profound insights into personal development.

Unlock Your Full Potential:

By enrolling in this course, you'll be taking a significant step toward self-realization and personal growth. These profound insights and tools can help you achieve your highest potential and lead a life that aligns with your faith.

Grow Your Self, Grow Your Faith:

As you explore your inner world and enhance your self-awareness, you're also deepening your connection to your faith. The Quran reminds us, "And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself" (Quran 29:6). This course is an opportunity for spiritual growth and personal development that aligns with the teachings of Islam.

Testimonial of Shifa Seekers just like You

Act Before it is to late!

Here is exactly what we will get with Islamic Selfhood Secrets

  • 16 videos and audio recordings of lessons for learning about Islamic selfhood.

    and students sharing their experiences with self-development and the challenges they face.

  • 16 slides for each video recording that can be printed out to make notes and journal your insights for future reference.

  • Lifetime access to the recordings and materials, allowing you to download and revisit them at your convenience.

It appears to be the best comprehensive program designed to help individuals learn and reflect on self-development within the context of Islamic teachings. This could be valuable for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of selfhood within an Islamic framework.

  • Inner Selfhood (£399 Value)

  • Other Selfhood (£399 Value )

  • Multiply Intelligence in Islam (£399 Value)

  • Alignments with Islam (Bonus Outcome)

  • Natural Progression(Bonus Outcome)

  • And much more!

Total Value : £1197

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